In his classic book, “Alice in Wonderland,” Lewis Carroll created the character known as the Jabberwock. This mythical character called together all the creatures of his kingdom for the purpose of sharing their talents – a gala event.
The first Delta Jabberwock, an idea conceived by Soror Marion Conover of Boston’s Iota Chapter in 1925, began as a means of raising scholarship funds. This member of Iota Chapter presented a variety of performers who competed for monetary prizes. Thus, from this successful venture, Delta Sigma Theta’s Jabberwock event was born and became a part of Delta tradition.
Soon, Iota’s annual production was adopted by chapters of the sorority throughout the country. Since that time, innumerable Jabberwocks have been produced by chapters in the United States and abroad. On December 28th, 1947, Jabberwock was formally adopted and copyrighted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta chapters have convened various organizations in the community for the express purpose of fostering positive relationships and providing an evening of fun and entertainment. The proceeds from Jabberwock are designated for scholarship and community projects.
North Broward County Alumnae has produced Jabberwock since its inception in 1994 . Our program provides a curriculum that includes educational, cultural, community service, and personal enrichment activities. Jabberwock is also a successful fundraising vehicle for our chapter. The young woman raising the highest amount of money throughout the program is crowned “Miss Jabberwock” at our culminating extravaganza event. Miss Jabberwock, First & Second Runner Ups receive a percentage of the funds raised toward a college scholarship. North Broward County Alumnae Chapter utilizes the remaining funds for scholarships, programming and special community projects that serve the North Broward County community.
- Miss Jabberwock 2019 Hope Pelt
- 1st runner Up
- 2nd Runner Up
- Miss Delta Doll (3-6)
- Miss Delta Doll (7-10)